Why a Blog? (Why-a-no chicken?)

Several people have asked why I'm attempting to write a blog whilst running a large construction project (and also still helping to run my other ​business uptown). 

​First off, readers of this will quickly point out that no one has to worry about me shirking my other duties because of all the time I spend writing!  Entries thus far have been sporadic and mostly short!

Still, the blog serves two main purposes.  First, I really like the idea of future tenants and people who know me getting a bit of an inside look into how this whole thing goes together.  Secondly,  simply documenting the process through words and pictures makes the experience richer for me.  When I take pictures and write about what's going on I'm able to step back, pardon the expression, and view it all a little differently.  This perspective helps keep me from seeing only what's happening at the moment.  Furthermore, the documentation process will cement memories of moments that might be forgotten after this project is over.

While I doubt that anyone will read this blog and suddenly decide, "Hey, I'm going to go out and build my own building.",  it's still useful to give people a window into the workings of a process that takes months and months to unfold and whose results ultimately will be viewed and judged by the public on a daily basis.​

​Stimson Gardens will be only one building in a small town of hundreds of buildings.  For me, however, it will be a major component in my business career and chronicling it in this way feels right.

The title of this entry, by the way, is a completely irrelevant reference to a line from the Marx Brothers' 1928 classic "Coconuts".  It comes from an exchange between Groucho and Chico in the middle of the movie where Groucho is showing him a map and pointing out a viaduct.  Chico, in his extremely heavy Italian accent, asks the ridiculous question, "Why a duck?  Why-a-no chicken?". 

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