All the other stuff

So far we've focused this blog on what is happening at the site, what actual building is getting done.  But so far in the project almost all of that work has been done by other people, contractors hired for the job.  What do I do all day?  Mostly plan and talk on the phone! 

There are so many ancillary "projects" that have to be coordinated, logistics set up, basic maintenance like cleaning up the site and making sure resources like a dumpster and water and electric are available. 

One thing I'm new at is dealing with steel guys, who buy and fabricate steel structures for us.  Most recently there's been a lot of work on the railings and balconies we have in the plan. 

At the top of that giant concrete retaining wall (The Great Wall of Athens), there has to be a (beyond) sturdy railing to keep people and cars from going over the wall and falling 20' to certain injury or worse.  Steel that thick is expensive and it has to be shipped and then turned into a railing.  Once that's done it somehow has to get to Stimson Gardens and then we have to drill giant holes in the wall to anchor the fence.  What I had to do was find someone who could do all of this for me and I did in the person of Chris Stotts from the Precision Automotive company down in Shade, OH.  Chris has been doing metal work since he was a kid and he designed a beautiful railing strong enough to stop a charging rhino at 30 paces!  Well, hopefully we'll never actually put it to that test!

He's also doing our balconies that hang out of the third floor living rooms and cantilever over the China Fortune side of the building.   

After he pitched his design to me we agreed on price and he drew up a little contract.  Even though we don't know each other there's immense comfort from knowing that you're working with local people who have a stake in this area and reputations to either build or maintain.  In the case of Chris, he's branching out into his own metal fabrication business and this job gives him a high profile example of his work to future customers. 



The railing on top of the wall after it was installed in early June. 

The railing on top of the wall after it was installed in early June. 

A third floor balcony waiting to be installed. 

A third floor balcony waiting to be installed. 

Additional things to order or think about include water taps, sewer taps, insulation, cabinetry, lighting and the list goes on!