Getting Ready to Go!

Our plans are approved, and final arrangements are being made for the start of the Stimson Gardens construction project. 

Final estimates from many contractors are in as well and, as you'd imagine, some are very close to what we estimated  a year ago when this all began, and some are a little different.  I've made plenty of allowances for that so it's not a problem.

Bella Vino is going strong and will continue operating as normal right through New Year's Eve.  I've really grown to love this little business in the last 8 months and it's a shame to shut it down, even for a little while.  But I'm glad it will be re-opening in August when construciton is done.  And I'm constantly amazed at how many people approach me in the average week to enquire about the business and tell me how glad they are that it's not going away.  All part of the connectedness of a small town, I suppose.

In addition to financial and logistical preparations, I've been trying to prepare myself physically and mentally for the grind of a long project.  I've gone back to doing Pilates a couple of times a week in hopes that will allow me to take stress off my back when we get to the physical work of tile and hardwood flooring, etc.   I've got a full slate of repair projects at The Pigskin this month to help get me and some of my crew get back in "building mode" before the SG start date. 

So while many people take it a little easier in December, my guys and I will be ramping up and getting ready to GO! 

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