Little Dig

It's amazing how fast time goes.  I meant to make a post a couple of weeks ago and then got sidetracked with other details, then the xmas holiday, etc.  I'll try my best to get more regular once the work really begins.

Several significant things have happened on the project in the last few weeks.  In mid December our architect, excavator, framing contractor and the poured-wall contractor all met with me at the site and we did a "test-dig" to get better acquainted with the dirt on the hill.  The news was very good.  The dirt seemed stable and very dry even after five straight days (4" total) of rain that only ended that morning.  Barely a foot below the surface the dirt was bone-dry.  That indicates that it's tightly packed is likely to stay in place when we need it to. 

At the same time we verified some critical dimensions and settled on a work plan for the retaining wall construction.  The wall is critical to the whole project as it holds back the hillside, creates our parking up top and frames the rear of the building.

Our guys are all top-notch.  The folks at Vales Poured Walls are consummate professionals and have an incredible amount of experience at this.   Our excavator, Dave Chase, likewise has been doing this for many years and has done many a job with Mr. Vales.

So we are on-schedule for a start just after the new year.  The weather will be something we'll have to keep an eye on all the way until the building is under-roof.  However, we have plenty of flex in the schedule in case we miss a week or too due to heavy rain or a deep freeze.   Stay Tuned

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