Last step before a building

The big day for the building foundation was Friday March 29th.  Pouring the actual foundation allowed us to get the guys in who lay concrete block and thus get the ground floor erected.  Athens Excavating ended up pouring the last section of retaining wall at the same time they did the foundation which saves money because these pours require a concrete pump truck, a very expensive rented item.​

Concrete pours out of the hose at the end of the pump truck.​

Concrete pours out of the hose at the end of the pump truck.​

But the pump truck is worth it's considerable weight in gold because it allows you to get the concrete exactly where you want it quickly.   Since our wall is 16" thick and 20 feet high there's really no other way to pour it.  See the picture of the pump truck at the bottom.​

​The building foundation is a level area of concrete in the outline of the exterior walls.  In our case we have some rooms on the first floor that have the foundation under them so the foundation was poured in that pattern as in this picture:

The outline of several ground-floor rooms was formed in wood and poured in concrete.​

The outline of several ground-floor rooms was formed in wood and poured in concrete.​

The concrete pumper, with it's large boom, can put the concrete anywhere it's needed.​

The concrete pumper, with it's large boom, can put the concrete anywhere it's needed.​

Once the building foundation was poured the main job of the concrete guys was done.  Everyone retreated to The Pigskin to celebrate with some food and drink and I was able to look forward to moving on with growing an actual building!​

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