Welcome Back, and Exclusive Re-signing Information

Hello and welcome back to those of you who were not here for the summer.  It's good to have everyone back in town.

Re-Signing Timetable:

If you will still be a student next year, we hope you will re-sign to live at Stimson Gardens for the rest of your time at OU.

You and your roommates have the exclusive right to re-sign for your apartment until Monday August 31st at 5pm.  After that time another group of tenants could be signed to live in your apartment next year.

These are some of the benefits of re-signing:

1) You get to live in an awesome apartment for another full year.  You will continue to be the idol of your friends! :-)

2) You do not have to post another deposit to me or another landlord.  Your deposit will be "parlayed" to your second-year lease.  That's a lot of money saved.

3) You will have continuous tenancy, meaning you do not have to move out, store your stuff for a week or two or three (depending upon the landlord) after graduation before your new lease begins.  You just keep your stuff right where it is.

4) Your apartment will not have to be shown to new prospective tenants.  For the most part, you will not be bothered by groups of people traipsing through looking at the apartment and your stuff. 

5) The landlord factor: If you stay you will continue to have a landlord who will respond to your needs quickly.  You probably don't have a lot to compare me to but believe me, if you choose the wrong landlord you will have a year full of conflict and might not get everything you paid for.

While you have until the deadline, if you do make a decision earlier please let me know as soon as you do so I can deal with prospective tenants efficiently.

Thank you so much.



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