See the light!

Many of you will remember from your first tour of Stimson Gardens that we change your light bulbs for you.  When the complex was built in 2013 we installed long-life compact fluorescent bulbs in all overhead fixtures with an expected life of 2-4 years.  Many of those bulbs will start to burn out this year.

When we replace those initial bulbs we will, in most cases, be upgrading with new, even longer-life LED bulbs.  Please call or email me if you have a burned-out bulb and I will replace it with the upgraded bulbs.  These new bulbs burn cooler, last longer and don't contain the high quantity of mercury often found in compact fluorescent bulbs.

As always, smart bobcats don't leave the lights on when they're not in the room.  That helps keep your electric bill low and slows the tide of trash heading for the landfills.


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