Trash and Litter

I'm very thankful to you all for staying on top of the trash collection days.  Each Wednesday night someone from each apartment needs to roll your apartments blue trash container to the road so it can be picked up Thursday morning.  Each apartment should also be taking out one of the 5 recycling bins too.  For the most part, everyone has been remembering to do this.

It's also important to bring them back in the next morning.  City code says that this should be done before noon. 

LITTER is another story.  I'm seeing more and more litter on the property on Monday morning as the week's go by.  Please remember that the beer cans, cigarettes, cups, wrappers, etc. that your friends leave behind on the weekends are your responsibility.  I shouldn't have to pick up litter, everyone should be doing their part to keep the complex clean.  If I'm forced to clean up trash from tenants or guests then I have to charge everyone's deposit for that cleanup.

Cigarette butts are particularly problematic as they are small and difficult to pick up, especially when wet.  If you smoke or have guests that smoke please use appropriate ashtrays or get a small bucket and fill it with sand or something.  No one likes having to that kind of litter on the ground where they live.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Ric WassermanComment